As our client was facing availability and reliability issues with its locomotives due to ageing and obsolete systems, we conducted a 6-month study on 3 of its most critical systems: an air compressor, an intelligent power module, and a driver display and control unit.
For this purpose, and based on the BOMs of each of the systems, we carried out a YTEOL analysis of each component and qualified its level of risk with regard to obsolescence. These analyses led to tailor-made recommendations that took into account both the economic benefits (notably by extending the life of the systems through the implementation of upgrade and repair circuits) and the technical and safety constraints linked, for example, to the necessary validation of the technical developments of the said systems.
Wir sind stolz zu verkünden, dass wir den Klimanotstand ernst nehmen und uns verpflichtet haben, bis 2050 Netto-Null-Emissionen zu erreichen.
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Design for Circularity und sein Logo ist ein eingetragenes Warenzeichen der eolos GmbH. Alle Rechte vorbehalten
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