Sustainability Reporting Journey: Double Materiality Assessment with thyssenkrupp Marine Systems

Sustainability Reporting Journey: Double Materiality Assessment with thyssenkrupp Marine Systems

As the need for sustainability reporting became increasingly evident, we embarked on a 6-month mission with thyssenkrupp Marine Systems. This journey began with a Double Materiality Assessment, a crucial step in identifying material ESG issues to be included in the inaugural thyssenkrupp Marine Systems sustainability report based on ESRS standards

Our team at eolos conducted several interviews and received responses from a sector-specifically tailored survey of approximately 70 individuals. This allowed us to gain a comprehensive understanding of the company’s sustainability landscape from various perspectives. Thereby, we engaged with multiple internal and external stakeholders, fostering a collaborative environment that was instrumental in the success of our mission. Needless to say, we maintained the highest IT security and confidentiality standards for this client in the defence industry.

The Double Materiality Assessment was a meticulous process that involved the identification of ESRS metrics and data collection. We supported thyssenkrupp Marine Systems in this endeavor, leveraging our expertise to ensure the accuracy and relevance of the data collected. This was a critical phase in our journey, as it laid the groundwork for the sustainability report.

In the end, we were able to deliver a comprehensive sustainability report that not only complied with first draft of ESRS standards but also reflected thyssenkrupp Marine Systems’ commitment to sustainability. This report serves as a testament to the progress made by thyssenkrupp Marine Systems in their sustainability journey and sets the stage for future advancements.

At eolos, we are proud to have been a part of this journey with thyssenkrupp Marine Systems. We believe that our joint mission has made a significant impact in improving sustainability practices. We look forward to continuing our work with thyssenkrupp Marine Systems and other industry leaders in the pursuit of a more sustainable future.

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