Understanding Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs): A Quick Guide

In the fast-evolving landscape of sustainable development, Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) serve as a crucial tool for businesses, consumers, and policymakers. These declarations provide transparent and standardized information about the environmental impacts of a product, enabling effective decision-making and promoting sustainability across various industries. Let’s delve into the background, development, recognition, and application of EPDs, together with eolos and understand the significance of EPDs in today’s environmentally conscious world.

Where do EPDs come from?

The concept of EPDs originated from the need to address the environmental impacts of products comprehensively. Traditionally, environmental assessments focused on single aspects such as energy consumption or waste generation, often leading to fragmented information and lack of overview of the bigger picture. To overcome this limitation, Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology was introduced as a standardized method (ISO 14040/44) for assessing the environmental performance of products throughout their lifecycle. More details about LCA service at eolos, please check out here: LCA page

EPDs - a product built upon LCA

EPDs can be seen as harmonized LCA studies or EPDs being understood as a product built upon LCA. LCA is a methodology used to assess the environmental impacts, while EPD serves as the outcome, providing transparent and standardized information derived from LCA data for consumers, businesses, and governments to understand and utilize. An EPD is typically generated based on LCA analysis to obtain lifecycle data such as energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, and water resource usage, ensuring the scientific basis and credibility of EPD in accordance with international standards like ISO 14025.

EPDs are gaining widespread recognition and acceptance as valuable tools for promoting sustainability. Various international standards and organizations govern the development and use of EPDs, ensuring consistency and credibility. Additionally, many platforms are available for the registration and dissemination of EPDs worldwide. By adhering to recognized standards and undergoing third-party verification, EPDs enhance transparency and credibility, fostering trust among stakeholders. Eolos operates on EPD International, ecopassport PEP and Institut Bau und Unwlt. We offer


From the industry, for the industry

eolos aims to pride our clients with science-based and future-oriented LCA to support the product design and business strategy decision-making. We also assist customers to go through the “data jungle” for accurate computation and comprehensive declarations.

EPDs across sectors

EPDs offer numerous benefits and applications across different sectors:

Product Comparison: EPDs enable consumers and businesses to compare the environmental performance of similar products, facilitating informed purchasing decisions. For example, when choosing between two brands of paper towels, an EPD can help identify the option with lower environmental impacts.

Green Building Certification: EPDs play a crucial role in green building certification schemes such as LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design). By providing EPDs for construction materials and products, manufacturers can contribute to the sustainability credentials of buildings.

Supply Chain Management: EPDs help companies assess the environmental impacts of their supply chains and identify opportunities for optimization. By working with suppliers to improve the environmental performance of materials and components, businesses can enhance their overall sustainability profile.

Policy Support: EPDs provide policymakers with valuable data for developing environmental regulations and policies. By incentivizing the use of products with lower environmental impacts, governments can encourage businesses to adopt more sustainable practices.

EPDs - a significant step for sustainability

EPDs represent a significant advancement in the field of sustainable development, offering standardized and transparent information about the environmental impacts of products. Through rigorous assessment based on LCA, EPDs enable informed decision-making, promote eco-friendly products, and drive continuous improvement across industries.

As the demand for sustainable products continues to grow, EPDs will play an increasingly vital role in shaping the future of consumption and production. By embracing EPDs and integrating them into business strategies, organizations can demonstrate their commitment to environmental stewardship while meeting the evolving needs of consumers and society at large.

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